Product number: SW10057
Product information "SULTAN"
Sultana is a selective systemic herbicide intended for control
annual narrow-leaved and broad-leaved weeds in the oilseed crop
canola, and after transplanting cabbage, kale, cauliflower and broccoli,
as well as nurseries of ornamental shrubs and woody plants.

Active substance: metazachlor ……………… 500 g/l
Formulation: concentrated suspension (SC)

Mode of action:
- Plants take it up by the root and hypocotyl, and very weakly by the leaf sprouted pods.
- Movement in the plant is very limited (xylem).
- Inhibits cell division and tissue differentiation process. It inhibits and
the process of synthesis of very long chain fatty acids. He is selective herbicide.

Application and dosage:
- In the rapeseed crop, it is applied in a dose of 2 and 2.5 l/ha by treatment
soil after sowing, and before crop emergence.
- In the crop of cabbage, kale, cauliflower and broccoli from seedlings in quantity
1.5-2.0 l/ha 
It is applied 7-10 days after transplanting when cabbage plants are growing
are in the stage of development of 3-6 leaves (BBCH 13-16), and before weed emergence.
When applying the product, the roots of the seedlings must be good
covered with a layer of soil. The crop must not be exposed to stress, ie
at the time of applying the product, the crop must be in good condition.
Application of preparations based on metazachlor requires good prepared soil.
If the soil is not well prepared, it can happen thinning of the assembly.

Water consumption: 200 - 400 liters of water per hectare.
Spectrum of action: Purslane (Agropyrum repens), mouse tail (Alopecurus myosuroides), willy-nilly
(Capsella bursa pastoris), weed millet (Echinochloa cruss-galli), cut needle (Geranium
dissectum), red dead nettle (Lamium purpureum), field sparrow (Lithospermum
arvensis), chamomile (Matricaria spp.), memorial (Myosotis arvensis), papaver (Papaver spp.), meadowsweet
(Poa annua), common sedge (Senecio vulgaris), flycatchers (Setaria spp.), wild sorghum from seeds (Sorghum halepense), 
honeysuckle (Stellaria media), nightingales (Veronica spp.), cornflowers (Bromus spp.),
cinderella (Chenopodiumalbum), galium aparine, bird's-eye (Polygonum aviculare),
nettles (Urtica spp.), wild barley (Hordeum spp.), mustard (Sinapis arvensis), wild wheat
(Triticum spp.), violet (Viola arvensis), wild oats (Avena fatua).

Crop rotation: In the case of plowing after treating oilseed rape only with the preparation Sultan, in the spring
next year, spring wheat, spring barley, oats, potatoes, sugar beet, spring oilseed rape can be sown,
corn, beans, sunflower and seed flax. In the same fall, plowing is necessary for sowing oilseed rape or wheat
to be at least 20 cm deep. After application in the spring on treated surfaces, after
5 months after application, carrots, parsnips and lettuce can be sown. Before sowing any crop, it is necessary is plowing to a depth of at least 15 cm.

Mixing with other preparations: To expand the spectrum of action, it is recommended to combine with
Clematis or Chrome sinon preparation.
Maximum number of treatments on the same surface: once every three years

Waiting period: provided by the time of application
Toxicity: III group of poisons
Packaging: 1 liter and 20 liters

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