
Fen 24 EC
Soil herbicide for the control of annual broad-leaved i narrow-leaved weedsActive substance: oxyfluorfen 240g/lFormulation: emulsion concentrate (EC)Mode of action: OXIFLUORFEN (Oxyfluorfen) is a broad-spectrum herbicidespectrum of action, which is applied before and after weed emergence,and which is used to control certain annual weeds invegetable growing, fruit growing and other cultivated plants.Spectrum of action:Broadleaf weeds - Amaranthus blitoides,Amaranthus retroflexus, borage (Borago officinalis),calendula (Calendula sp.), white loboda (Chenopodium album), finesweetcorn (Convolvulus althaeoides), field sweetcorn (Convolvulus arvensis),white dogwood (Datura stramonium), double row (Diplotaxis erucoides),wall double row (Diplotaxis muralis), slak earthen (Fallopiaconvolvulus), crowned daisy (Glebionis coronaria), inclusivedead nettle (Lamium amplexicaule), marshmallow (Malvasylvestris), mallow (Malva verticillata), hoppy quince (Medicagolupulina), clover (Medicago orbicularis), bird's-eye (Polygonumaviculare), tust (Portulaca oleracea), tupolis sorrel (Rumexobtusifolius), common sedge (Senecio vulgaris), white mustard (Sinapisalba), black helper (Solanum nigrum), pigweed (Sonchus sp.),middle mouse (Stellaria media), creeping nightingale (Veronicaofficinalis).Narrow-leaved weeds - bone (Echinochloa crus-galli), multi-flowered ryegrass(Lolium multiflorum), hard ryegrass (Lolium rigidum), annualPoa annuaApplication and dosage:Sunflower: Apply after sowing, and before sunflower sprouting (pre-em), no later than the end of Aprilin the amount of 1 L/ha with a water consumption of 300-600 L/ha. In order to comply with the maximum permitted quantitymeans of 0.625 L/ha, only directed application is allowed, i.e. application in strips in timesowing of sunflowers, directly with the sowing itself, in strips from 20 to 38 cm wide around the rows of sunflowers.The application is carried out with the help of a seeder equipped with a sprayer.Grape vines (wine and table varieties), apple and pear: In vine plantations (wine and table varieties),apples and pears, applied in spring during vegetation rest (BBCH 00) in the amount of 2 L/ha withwater consumption 200-500 L/ha. In order to comply with the maximum allowed amount of funds of 0.625L/ha, only directed application is allowed, i.e. application in the space of a row of fruit trees or between rows,whereby only 30% of the area can be treated, either in rows or between rows of trees. In winefor vines and fruit plants, use a sprayer that treats the soil in a directed manner in the form of a strip.Citrus (orange and tangerine) and olive: In citrus (orange and tangerine) and olive plantationsapplied from autumn to early spring (when there are no fruits on the land) in the amount of 2 L/ha with consumptionwater 200-500 L/ha. In order to comply with the maximum allowed amount of the agent/ha of 0.625 L/ha, only directed application is allowed, i.e. application in citrus rows or between citrus rows andaround the base of the olives or between the rows of olives. Treat only 30% of the surface, either in rows or betweenrows. In citrus and olive trees, use a sprayer that treats the soil in a directed manner in the form of a strip.Note: In case of premature plowing of crops, only sunflowers may be sown.After applying FEN 24 EC, you may:• plant tomatoes and sow oats and sugar beets after 2 years and 4 months (840 days),• onion after 4 years and 8 months (1680 days) i• rapeseed after 1 year and 6 months (540 days).It may be used no more than once a year on the same surface. The effectiveness of the asset will be reduced if it rains within 6 hours after treatment.Withdrawal period: Orange, tangerine and olive: 21 (twenty one) daysApple, pear, sunflower and vine: provided by the time of applicationWorking grace period: 7 (seven) days.Packaging: 1 lit, 0.1 lit
Rival 607 SL
500 ml
Sistemični fungicid za suzbijanje uzročnika polijeganja rasada i plamenjače Aktivna materija: propamokarb-hidrohlorid.........722 g/l Formulacija: koncentrovani rastvor (SL) Primjena: Rival 607 SL se primjenjuje kao fungicid za suzbijanje prouzrokovača: Polijeganja rasada (Phythium spp.), plamenjače paprike, plamenjače krastavca, plamenjače gerbera,... -U usjevima paprike, paradajza – za suzbijanje prouzrokovača polijeganja rasada (Pythium spp.) u koncentraciji 0,15 % (15 ml u 10 litara vode), tretiranjem poslije sjetve a prije nicanja usjeva ili neposredno poslije nicanja usjeva. Za suzbijanje prouzrokovača plamenjače (Phytophtora spp.) u koncentraciji od 0,25 % (25 ml u 10 litara vode) zalivanjem rasada 3 dana prije rasađivanja i 2 puta nakon rasađivanja u intervalima 7-10 dana. -U usjevu krastavca – za subijanje prouzrokovačaplamenjače krastavca (Pseudoperonospora cubensis) u koncentraciji 0,2% (20 ml u 10 litara vode) preventivnim tretiranjem ili pri pojavi prvih simptoma. -U usjevu lala – za suzbijanje prouzrokovača polijeganja u koncentraciji 0,3% (30 ml u 10 litara vode) potapanjem očišćenih lukovica u rastvor (lukovice potopljene u rastvoru držati 15-20 minuta) prije sadnje. -U zasadu petunija – za suzbijanje prouzrokovača polijeganja rasada (Pythium spp.) u koncentaciji 0,25-0,37% (25-37 ml u 10 litara vode) tretiranjem posije sjetve a prije nicanja. Utrošak vode: Kod folijarnog tretiranja (orošavanje ili fino prskanje) 200-400 l/ ha . Zalivanje rasada – 10 l rastvora/m². Maksimalan broj tretiranja u toku godine na istoj površini: 4 puta Mogućnost miješanja sa drugim pesticidima: Može se miješati sa svim kontaktnim i sistemičnim fungicidima za suzbijanje plamenjače. Karenca: 14 dana za krastavce i paradajz, 35 dana za papriku Otrovnost: III grupa otrova Pakovanje: 25 ml, 100 ml, 500 ml